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Hacking Windows Password using CMD

Hi friends

I find this interesting trick to get into a computer without knowing password using CMD.
1. First Switch off the machine
2. Start it again, but keep pressing F8 or F12 as the Computer Starts

3. In the Window that follows, Choose , "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" and press Enter

4. On Log In window, choose "Administrator" account and log in, usually this built in admin account does not have any password in most Windows Versions.

5. Once inside the Desktop will be usually blank with black screen, press windows plus R key and type CMD in the Windows that pop ups

6. Inside Command Prompt type: net user {account name} {password} /add
Example, net user DC 1234 /add and press Enter.

7. When command Prompt has successfully executed, now type; net localgroup administrators DC /add and press Enter.
Done!!!! Swith of the machine and put it back On and choose your new Admin account then go on to Control Panel and change the account password you want,
Try it,,,,,,,,,, 


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